Drumroll, please. I have a very important announcement this week.

I’ve lost a stone. Yep, a whole 6.4kg gone. That’s the equivalent of the average load of washing, only slightly less smelly.

I’m halfway to my three-month goal, which – with eight weeks gone - is starting to look a touch optimistic, but hitting the one-stone mark is certainly encouraging.

Plus, it means I get the blowout meal I’ve been promised by my other half!

It’s a timely boost, because life is starting to get in the way of the new me. Quite a few events are looming on the horizon in the new few months, and I can see my Saturday sessions with BoxLondon falling by the wayside.

Having come so far, I’m loath to lose the momentum gained, so I’m determined not to go completely off the rails.

My no-alcohol regime has been adjusted slightly to almost no alcohol, but I’ve been much more successful in resisting crisps, takeaway, chocolate and other similar culinary evils.

Exciting developments at BoxLondon, too, with the arrival of my own sparring gloves, which I gave a good workout this week.

I love getting new toys, although I guess the novelty will wear off when they start to reek with the stench of sweat.

Then I’ll have to throw them in the wash. How much does that machine take again? Oh that’s right – ONE STONE!!

Weight loss so far: 1 stone – but you knew that already