Russell T Davies certainly knows how to put the boot in.

While I was a little disappointed with the last two episodes of Doctor Who - it seemed like too much had been squeezed in - I was struck by the fate of Catherine Tate’s character Donna Noble.

Although Tate’s performance and the character itself had been criticised in a number of quarters I really enjoyed her time in the TARDIS, and would have been more than happy to see her continue her journey with the Doctor.

I had become pretty certain, even before the penultimate episode, Journey’s End, that she was going to die by the end of the series.

But I was shocked that instead of meeting her end in a conventional manner she instead had her mind wiped by the Doctor.

Her realisation that it was going to happen and her begging not to be returned to the person she was before she met the Time Lord made the scene all the more upsetting.

I hope the fact that she isn’t dead means that perhaps, just perhaps, we’ll see her return. My subconscious certainly seems to want that - I woke up from a dream this morning where I was sure I had watched an episode showing Donna recover.

On a happier note, I’m glad to see that David Tennant is going to continue as the Doctor for a while longer, and I’m looking forward to seeing the Cybermen return. I’ve always preferred them as a villain to the Daleks.

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