Some proverbs and sayings confound me. Some confuse me. And some irritate me. Here are a few:
1. Making money hand over fist. Huh? Fist, hand making money?
2. Out of sight out of mind versus absences makes the heart grow fonder. Which is it? Will you love me more if I stay or if I go?
3. Too many cooks spoil the broth versus many hands make light work. Erm, do things go quicker with help or am I better working alone. Or is it I just shouldn’t make soup with other people and everything else is fine.
4. You can’t have your cake and eat. Er - if I can’t eat the cake then I what’s the point in having it. I mean what are you some kind of pastry tease.
5. It’s all swings and roundabouts. Do what? It’s all what? Why not slides and trampolines? Or climbing frames and playhouses?
6. Many a mickle makes a muckle. Whatever you say crazy lady.
7. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. No the enemy of my enemy can get bent too.
8. Familiarity breeds contempt. Just a nasty, nasty proverb.
9. And finally the Menhinnitt family saying, at least according to my dad, is anything worth eating hot is worth eating cold.

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