I took a large amount of pleasure in watching that smug arrogant Timelord getting his hat handed to him in Saturday’s episode of Doctor Who.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always liked the show, and I’ve come to enjoy the Russell T Davies’ take on the concept. Further I think David Tennant makes a great Doctor (but then I liked Sylvester McCoy so what do I know).

But it’s seldom I like the character of the Doctor. Face facts he’s a bit full of himself. Swaggering round the galaxy with his sonic screwdriver or other magical McGuffins telling everyone else what’s right and what’s wrong.

He’s happy to bring down a directly elected Government who choose to defend itself from alien hordes rather than live in the hope that he’ll always be around (see the Christmas Invasion). He gets to see all the wonders of the universe but only picks a few people to share that with - mostly pretty young girls. He chooses what can be changed and what can’t - and he can’t be pretty mean if you don’t agree with him.

So sure, he might have saved the universe a few times - but he sure is smug. So I really did let out a little cackle during Utopia when the TARDIS disappeared out of sight without him wiping that self-satisfied look off his face.

And as for Captain teeth and gums Jack - you are not Joseph now do one.

On a final note. To the BBC merchandising department. If you are going sell a TARDIS key necklace - please would you ensure that such an item is also shown in the most recent series. I spent a good half-an-hour showing off mine just before the episode Blink was aired. You should have heard me moan when a simple Yale key was presented repeatedly throughout the episode as the opening device for the Doctor’s ship rather than an object similar to the pewter emblem round my neck.
